Tomba di Giulietta, Immerse in the Romance of a Legendary Love

Juliet's Tomb, Via Luigi da Porto, 37122 Verona, Verona Province, Italy


"The Tomb of Juliet" is a 13th-century monastery that attracts many fans of Shakespeare's tragedies. Legend has it that this is the burial place of the well-known belle Juliet. People are always curious and imaginative about this mysterious and romantic legend. If you are also a dreamer and want to experience the charm and atmosphere of "The Tomb of Juliet", why not take a trip there? Here, you can feel the weight of history and cultural richness, ignite your passion and imagination, and immerse yourself in this mysterious legend.
Juliet's Tomb, Via Luigi da Porto, 37122 Verona, Verona Province, Italy
Opening hours
Monday 13:45-19:30
Tuesday to Sunday 8:30-19:30.