Recommended photo spots in Venice, Italy

Venice is located in northeastern Italy, and is a city built on water. The city has an average water depth of 1.5 meters and consists of 118 small islands, connected by 177 canals and 401 bridges, with boats being the primary means of transportation. Therefore, it is known as the "City of Water". The main attractions of Venice are concentrated around St. Mark's Square and its surroundings. When visiting Venice, it is recommended to explore the city centered around St. Mark's Square.

When visitors arrive at St. Mark's Square, they can spend a short time touring the square and nearby attractions such as the clock tower, St. Mark's Cathedral, and the Bridge of Sighs. Therefore, St. Mark's Square could be seen as a must-visit spot in Venice and if you haven't been to St. Mark's Square, then you haven't been to Venice. In fact, for many friends with tight schedules, a visit to St. Mark's Square and its surroundings is enough. St. Mark's Square is very large, and visitors have enough distance to take photos of the towering clock tower and St. Mark's Cathedral behind it.

Campanile di San Marco

On St. Mark's Square, one can see a towering campanile. This bell tower, constructed of red brick, is 92.8 meters tall and creates a strong contrast with the adjacent St. Mark's Basilica. In addition to photographing the bell tower itself, it is also highly recommended for visitors to climb to the top and take in the panoramic view of Venice.

Episcopal Church of the Temple of Saint Margus

St. Mark's Basilica, built in the 9th century to house the remains of Saint Mark brought back from Egypt, has undergone multiple fires and was rebuilt in 1073. The remaining parts were completed in the 17th century. Photography is not allowed inside the basilica, making the upper levels the perfect place to showcase one's skills. From the top, one can overlook St. Mark's Square and get a closer look at the tourists below. On the other side are two granite columns standing in a small square facing the sea. On the top of the column to the west stands Saint Theodore, the patron saint of Venice before the remains of Saint Mark were brought to the city. On the other side is the Lion of Saint Mark, who represents the saint according to Catholic tradition. The lion symbolizes the power of the Gospel of Mark and the dignity and majesty of Jesus described in it. The wings symbolize spiritual ascent and the halo on the head represents divinity.
Walking towards the sea from St. Mark's Square, you will see a crowded bridge to your left after a short distance. Upon getting on it and looking towards the direction of the Grand Canal, you will see a sealed limestone bridge - the Bridge of Sighs (Ponte dei Sospiri), a building that is already 400 years old. Built in 1602, the bridge was designed by Italian architect Antoni Contino and has a Baroque style. Surprisingly, it connects the Doge's Palace (Palazzo Ducale) and the prison. Prisoners from the palace were sent to the dungeon through this bridge after being interrogated. From then on, they were separated from life and death, and couldn't help but let out a sigh, thus giving the Bridge of Sighs its name. The story of the Bridge of Sighs has become history, and its magnificent appearance should perhaps be accompanied by a romantic story. A story has been passed down that if lovers kiss each other under the Bridge of Sighs while riding a gondola, they will stay together forever and grow old together.
The Rialto Bridge was first built in 1181 AD, originally called the Currency Bridge. It connects the two sides of the Grand Canal in Venice, serving as a hub for commercial transactions between the east and west banks of the canal. As communication and commerce between the two sides increased, the Rialto Market on the east side prospered, and the Currency Bridge was renamed the Rialto Bridge. Located at the center of Venice, the Rialto Bridge stretches horizontally over the Grand Canal, providing a stunning view of the city. Closing your eyes may evoke a sense of the nostalgia of old Venice.


Gondolas and boatmen are one of the main shooting themes in Venice, and this requires a camera with a telephoto lens that can zoom in for clearer photos. Pay attention to the direction of the light and choose to shoot in the direction of the sun if possible.

Canal Grande

The Grand Canal is another main filming location in Venice, with buildings of various architectural styles on both sides of the canal. The houses come in different colors, shapes and styles, and various boats carrying tourists shuttle back and forth. You can stop at any bridge and capture a nice view.
The Golden Palace is the most outstanding Gothic building in the city of Venice, formerly known as the "Golden Palace". Today, it has gradually become an art museum, open to the general public. It houses painting treasures from the Venetian school of painting from the 14th to the 18th century, representing the pinnacle of European painting art.