Libreria Nazionale Marciana, Renaissance Jewel of Knowledge and Art

San Marco 52, Piazza San Marco
The decoration of the coffee shop is very unique


Everyone knows that Venice, Italy is a water city, and at its center is the St. Mark's Square, which is home to the St. Mark's National Library. This library, built during the Renaissance, is one of the oldest public libraries still standing in Italy, named after St. Mark, the patron saint of Venice. The library was built starting in the 1500s and took decades to complete, designed by Jacopo Sansovino with a unique style and remarkable presence. The library contains one of the world's greatest collections of classical texts, including about one million printed books, 13,000 manuscripts, 2,883 incunabula, and 24,055 prints from the 1500s and 1600s. The library also houses a commemorative room showcasing important historical artifacts. Today, the St. Mark's Library is part of the St. Mark's Square museum complex. However, in our memories, Venice is still more famous for its romantic canals, boats competing for space, and bridges linking it all together.
San Marco 52, Piazza San Marco
Opening hours
November 1st-March 31st: 10:00-17:00
April 1st-October 31st: 10:00-19:00
All boats to San Marco Square are available.