Basilica San Marco, A Byzantine masterpiece of art and architecture

San Marco, 328, Venice, Italy
Tall buildings are definitely a staple of churches


The church located in St. Mark's Square is a Byzantine-style building built by Venetian merchants in 829 AD to bring the remains of St. Mark, the author of the Gospel of Mark, back to Venice. The church combines the architectural essence of both the East and the West, decorated with many Byzantine-style mosaic paintings, and houses St. Mark's tomb under the altar. In addition, visitors can pay to visit the church's museum, galleries, and the Golden Altar. The church is a masterpiece of Byzantine architecture and art and is considered the patron saint of Venice. It features a Greek cross structure and five large domes with mosaics around the perimeter. The upper part of the facade of the church has a replica of one of the four horses of St. Mark, while the actual original is a gilded copper statue, now on display in the St. Mark's Museum. From the top of the bell tower, you can enjoy the enchanting view of the entire city and the lagoon. On November 4, 1966, Venice experienced a high tide, causing St. Mark's Square to be more than 1.2 meters deep in water, leaving over 5,000 homeless and damaging many works of art.

Must-go rating

Must go


Translation: Others
San Marco, 328, Venice, Italy
Opening hours
Daylight Saving Time
Basilica: 9:45-17:00
Sundays and holidays: 14:00-16:00.
St. Mark's Museum: 9:45-16:45.
Loggia/Golden Altar: 9:45-16:00
Sundays and holidays: 14:00-16:00.
Follow the signs to Piazza San Marco on foot; take a water bus to Piazza San Marco/San Zaccaria/Vallaresso stop.