Santa Maria del Popolo, A treasure trove of masterpieces, freely accessible

Piazza del Popolo 12, Rome, Italy
There is a sculpture created by Bernini in the church


Santa Maria del Popolo, located north of the People's Square, is a famous church of the Italian Augustinian Order, built in 1099. The church was rebuilt between 1472 and 1477 on the orders of Pope Sixtus IV. The church houses works by artists such as Raphael Sanzio, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Caravaggio, Alessandro Algardi and Andrea Bregno. Surprisingly, this church with so many precious artworks is free to visitors!
Piazza del Popolo 12, Rome, Italy
Opening hours
Monday to Saturday: 7:00-12:00, 16:00-19:00
Sunday: 8:00-13:30, 16:30-19:00
Take Subway Line A and get off at Flaminio, then walk south for 2 minutes; or take Bus 117 or 119 and get off at Corso-Popolo, then walk north and cross the People's Square.