delphi, The spiritual center of ancient Greece

Delphi, Greece
The center of the ancient Greek temple


Delphi is located in Phocis, Greece, and is a historical and cultural heritage site. In 1987, it was listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Delphi is located in the deep mountains of Parnassus, 150 kilometers away from Athens, and is a world famous ancient site. It consists of the Temple of Apollo, the Temple of Athena, a theater, sports training and sports fields. Among them, the most famous is the Temple of Apollo, the ancient Greek god of the sun, who symbolizes light and youth, and is in charge of music, poetry, medicine, animal husbandry and other fields. It is said that the ancient Greeks believed that Delphi was the center of the earth, the "navel of the earth". This legend originated from the fact that Zeus released two eagles from the earth's two poles to fly in opposite directions to determine the center of the earth. In the end, the two eagles met in Delphi, and Zeus placed a circular stone there as a symbol. Now, this stone is preserved in the Delphi Museum. The Delphi Temple is a highly praised typical pan-Hellenic style building, a conveyance site for the Apollo oracle, and the site of the "navel of the world" Omphalos. The temple harmoniously blends in with the beautiful surroundings and is endowed with a divine meaning. Since the 6th century BC, it has been the center of ancient Greek religion and the symbol of Greek unity.
Delphi, Greece