The Roman Agora, A Timeless Intersection of Greek and Roman Grandeur

cnr Eolou Pelopida Plaka
Another is the ancient market of Athens


Next to the ancient Athenian market, there is an old Roman market. In history, Greece was once occupied by the Roman Empire, and the Roman architectural style has also been preserved. The most striking feature is the Tower of the Winds on the ancient Roman market, which was once believed to be a place for storing magic. However, in fact, this is a meteorological station built by a Syrian astronomer in the 1st century. The ancient Greeks believed that there was a heavenly god in charge of the wind in each direction, so the Tower of the Winds is octagonal and each face is engraved with the wind god relief of that direction. Inside the tower, there is a hydraulic clock driven by a water tank, and a mechanical celestial body with the sun, moon, and five unknown planets.
cnr Eolou Pelopida Plaka
Opening hours
Tuesday to Sunday 8:00-15:00
Monday 11:00-15:00.
You can choose to take the green line of the subway to get off at the Monastiraki station.