Anafiotika, A serene haven beneath the Acropolis

Anafiotika, Athens 117 42, Greece


Anafiotika is a group of small buildings located on the slope of the Acropolis hill, overlooking the Plaka area. It is named after the bricklayers who migrated from the island of Anafi in the mid-19th century, making you feel like you're in a Greek island. You can take a stroll here, and if you continue to the right, you'll enter a mountain road that offers panoramic views and leads to the entrance of the Acropolis, one of the most famous historical landmarks and iconic buildings in Greece. If you continue, you can turn right onto the newly built pedestrian street of Apostolou Pavlou and eventually reach Thission, or turn right onto Ermou street to go back to Monastiraki. If you turn left onto Dionissou Aeropagitou street, you can reach Makrianni street, and if you turn left onto Byronos street, you'll return to the Plaka central area. Here, you'll find a special place called the Dirty Corner, which used to be a gathering spot for poets and musicians in the past, near the Lysacratus monument.
Anafiotika, Athens 117 42, Greece
You can reach here by walking up the small steps between the Kouklis taverna and the Byzantine church of St. Nicholas.