Parthenon Temple, A Monument to Classical Architectural Brilliance

The largest building on the Acropolis


Walking into the entrance of the Acropolis of Athens, visitors will come to the Propylaea and, looking to the right, will see the famous Temple of Olympian Zeus. The temple, built of white marble, is 70 meters long, 31 meters wide, and 10 meters tall, and features beautiful carvings of Greek mythology on its roof and walls. In ancient times, the temple housed a gold and ivory statue of Athena, the patron goddess of Athens, but unfortunately they are now only a memory. Apart from its grand appearance, the temple is also a great example of classical architecture and proportion. However, the great building suffered many losses in the course of history, with many exquisitely crafted sculptures stolen and the temple itself damaged when Turkey occupied Greece.
Opening hours
From 8:00 to 20:00 every day, with the latest entry time being 19:45. Closed on January 1, March 25, May 1, Easter Sunday, December 25 and December 26. Open from 8:00 to 15:00 on January 6, Shrove Monday, Holy Saturday, Easter Monday, Holy Spirit Day, August 15, and October 28. Good Friday opens at 12:00.
You can take the subway red line to Acropoli station and then walk to the ticket office of the Acropolis. If you live near Syntagma Square, you can walk through Hadrian's Street to the east entrance of the Acropolis. Alternatively, you can enter from the northwest entrance, walking south from Plaka.