Casa Vicens, A harmonious blend of Eastern and Western architecture

Carrer de les Carolines 22
Western architectural styles and characteristics


Casa Vicens is a summer retreat designed by Gaudi for tile merchant Manel Vicens between 1883 and 1888, located in the Gracia district adjacent to the old El Guell Park. It is the earliest of Gaudi's seven World Heritage-listed architectural designs and marks the beginning of his professional career. Currently, Casa Vicens is a private residence and not open to the public, but tourists can admire its exterior from the street. Unlike Gaudi's later, well-known eerie style, Casa Vicens appears more simple and straightforward, with long, straight lines and a style reminiscent of Islamic architecture.
Carrer de les Carolines 22
Opening hours
Private property, not open to the public, only available for external observation.

Subway station L3 Fontana