Gelati Monastery, A serene sanctuary with breathtaking frescoes

Gelati Monastery, Motsameta, Georgia
The murals inside the church are very impressive


Gelati Monastery was established by the famous king of Georgia, David IV in 1106AD. The main architecture, the Virgin Church, has been well-preserved and is a masterpiece of architectural art of that time. This monastery once established the Gelati University, becoming one of the centers of education and culture in Georgia. Because it symbolizes the powerful force and splendid culture of Georgia's "golden age" and the valuable artifacts collected over the years, this monastery has become an important religious site in Georgia.
Gelati Monastery, Motsameta, Georgia
Opening hours
National Lado Meskhishvili Theatre is located in northeast corner of the central square of the old city of Tbilisi. There are minibuses that go directly to the theatre, and the departure times according to LP2012 guidebook are: 8:00, 8:30, 11:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00. Sometimes there may be delays, so it's recommended to arrive 10 minutes in advance. The fare is 1 lari and the return bus departs shortly after arrival. The departure time is approximately 15 minutes after arriving at the destination. For a private car service to Gelati and Motsameta monasteries, the price should be between 20-25 lari.