Cathédrale Saint-Julien, A Majestic Blend of Architectural Styles

2 Place Saint Michel, 72000, Le Mans
A very beautiful church


The cathedral, which has undergone hundreds of years of evolution and has absorbed various architectural styles, is now divided into two parts corresponding to different periods. The Romanesque nave and the fleur-de-lis pattern under the arches are the venues for celebrating important royal activities; while the choir and Gothic transept are representative of the Capetian architectural style. The 13 small chapels of the cathedral, the ambulatory around the altar, and the 34-meter-high arches form a unique and beautiful pyramid shape, which is a masterpiece of architectural art. It is worth mentioning that the cathedral houses the world's most beautiful medieval stained glass, among which the 47 musical angels painted on the ceiling of the Notre-Dame Chapel are the most classic, representing the peak of Gothic painting.
2 Place Saint Michel, 72000, Le Mans
Opening hours
9:00 - 19:00
Take Tram T2 and get off at Jacobins-Quinconces, then you will see it.