Normandy American Cemetery & Memorial, A Solemn Tribute to Heroes of Freedom

American Cemetery, 14710 Colleville sur Mer, France


Normandy American Cemetery, located in France, was established to commemorate the American soldiers who lost their lives during World War II in Europe. It is a place to mourn and remember countless brave soldiers. The cemetery is filled with thousands of tombstones, many of which are prepared for the heroes who sacrificed their lives in the Normandy landings. By carefully reading the names and information on these tombstones, people can have a more comprehensive understanding of the historical background and impact of this war. Here, people can pay tribute and mourn to all those who sacrificed their lives for their country's freedom and democracy.
American Cemetery, 14710 Colleville sur Mer, France
Opening hours
Open everyday except for December 25th and January 1st.
From April 15th to September 15th, the opening hours are from 09:00 to 17:00. On all other dates, the opening hours are from 09:00 to 16:00.