Cathédrale Saint-Gatien, Awe-inspiring Gothic grandeur and exquisite stained glass

Cathedral Square
A beautiful church


The Cathedral of Saint Gatian is an iconic Gothic building in Tours, France, which took 300 years to construct from the 13th to the 16th century. The different parts of the cathedral have various architectural styles, including soaring towers, arches, flying buttresses, and intricate stone sculptures on the exterior walls. Inside the cathedral, there are marble coffins made for the two children of King Charles VIII, created by the renowned local sculptor Michel Colombe. One of the highlights inside the cathedral is the beautifully crafted rose windows, dating back to the 13th century. Additionally, there is a 15th-century monastery called Psalette Monastery located to the north of the cathedral.
Cathedral Square
Opening hours
Starting from the Tourist Information Center, walk along Rue Bernard Palissy, cross a garden on your left, and continue along Rue Lavoisier to see the towering twin towers of the church.