Les îles du Frioul, A serene Mediterranean haven with crystal-clear waters

Quai de la Fraternité 13001 Marseille


The Frioul Islands include the islands of Pomègues, Ratonneau, If, and Tiboulen. The dam between Pomègues and Ratonneau allows for easy access for tourists, while If and Tiboulen are located on the east and west ends. In 1720, a plague brought by a Syrian merchant ship led to the death of over half of the population in Marseille, making the area a quarantine station. Today, the Frioul Islands are home to 120 households and have restaurants, bars, and a church. The islands have 350 plant species and many types of seabirds. With clear waters and abundant sunshine, the islands are a beloved vacation spot for locals. The islands have relatively fewer tourists and are very quiet, making it a great place to stroll and explore the historical sites. If you have enough time, you can find a secluded cove to have a picnic, go diving, and enjoy the Mediterranean atmosphere. Boats departing from If island stop at Frioul Island before returning to the Old Port. Therefore, a reasonable itinerary to visit both islands is: take a boat from the Old Port to visit If island, then take a boat to Frioul Island for sightseeing, and finally return to the Old Port. To protect the fragile ecosystem on the islands, please pay attention to the blue signs and refrain from camping and having picnics. Due to the dryness on the islands, be cautious of fire hazards.
Quai de la Fraternité 13001 Marseille
Opening hours
May 16th to September 16th, 9:30-18:10
September 31st to March 31st (excluding Mondays), 9:30-16:45
April 1st to May 15th, 9:30-16:45.
Taking a cruise at the old port pier.