Maison de Van Gogh ( Auberge Ravoux ), Immerse in Van Gogh's Final Artistic Sanctuary

Place de la Mairie 95430 Auvers sur Oise
The first floor consists of a restaurant and a souvenir shop


Vincent van Gogh arrived in the town of Auvers-sur-Oise in May 1890, seeking refuge from the busy streets of Paris. He stayed in Room 5 of the Ravoux Inn, paying 3.5 francs per day, which included meals at the downstairs restaurant. During his brief 70-day stay, he created over 80 significant artworks. On a day in July, due to mental and financial pressure, he shot himself in a wheatfield behind a small town castle. The bullet pierced his left chest but did not cause a fatal wound. He returned to Room 5 of the inn and passed away in his brother Theo's arms the following morning. Thanks to the meticulous restoration by Compagnons du Devoir, the Ravoux Inn reopened in 1993. The inn's curtains, floors, and interior layout remain in the style of 1890, making it a true "museum hotel" and a listed cultural heritage site. Room 5, known as the "suicide room," has never been rented out again. Today, the room is still well-preserved, allowing visitors to experience van Gogh's living environment and state of mind at that time. This room has become an iconic building in Auvers-sur-Oise, attracting enthusiasts and artists from around the world. Meanwhile, the Ravoux Restaurant downstairs focuses on serving traditional French countryside cuisine, carrying on van Gogh's understated and earnest style. Here, people can enjoy the double pleasure of spirit and taste. The van Gogh residence also welcomes visitors from all over the world to fully experience the place where this great man once lived.
Place de la Mairie 95430 Auvers sur Oise
Opening hours
March to October, 10:00-18:00 (last admission at 17:30)
closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Starting from April 3rd until November 2nd, there is a direct train from Paris to Auvers-sur-Oise every weekend. It departs from Paris Nord station at 9:38am and arrives at 10:19am. In the evening, it departs at 6:25pm and returns to Paris Nord station at 6:51pm. Other times require taking the H line of the RER from Paris Nord station or taking the J line from Gare Saint Lazare to Pontoise and then transferring to the RER heading towards Persan-Beaumont to get to Auvers-sur-Oise (usually platform 11, go 200 meters straight ahead on the left side). Upon arrival at the Auvers-sur-Oise train station, turn left and walk 250 meters to arrive at the city hall square.