Maison de Victor Hugo, Immerse in the essence of a literary giant's abode

6 Place des Vosges, 75004 Paris
There are still many collections of Chinese ceramics


This museum is located in the center of the Marais district, situated in the famous Place des Vosges, showcasing the former residence of renowned French writer Victor Hugo. The museum uses various means such as furniture, memorabilia, and decorations to display three major stages of Hugo's career: early, middle, and exile period. The ground floor of the museum exhibits portrait paintings and literary works of Hugo, as well as temporary exhibitions. In addition, the museum offers guided tours and Victor Hugo's youth workshops. Advanced booking is required for those who wish to read at the museum library. Victor Hugo resided in the nearby Rohan-Guéménée hotel from 1832 to 1848, where the two-story, 280 square meter house became his home and writing place. It was during this period that Hugo wrote most of "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame" and "Les Misérables". The museum preserves the appearance of Hugo and his wife's former residence, showcasing the life experiences of this great writer and poet, as well as Hugo's own Impressionist sketches and portraits.
6 Place des Vosges, 75004 Paris
Opening hours
Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00, closed on Mondays and holidays, last entry at 17:40.
Buses 20, 29, 65, 69, 76, and 96; metro to Bastille, Saint-Paul, or Chemin-vert stations.