Hôtel de Ville de Paris, A Renaissance Gem with Lively Public Events

Place de l'Hôtel de ville, 75004 Paris
Very majestic old building


The City Hall of Paris has been the convergence point for various municipal institutions since 1357. The building underwent renovations in the 16th and 19th centuries with a new Renaissance style design for the facade. During the rule of the Paris Commune, the facade was destroyed but later reconstructed to its original form. The interior of the City Hall is lavishly decorated, showcasing a perfect blend of Renaissance and Belle Époque styles, including oil paintings by Puvis de Chavannes. Additionally, the City Hall occasionally holds temporary exhibitions that are open to the public for free. The square in front of the City Hall, previously known as Place de Grève, has been a gathering place for protesters and revolutionaries in the past. Nowadays, the square is often host to various large-scale events such as winter ice rinks, outdoor exhibitions, and big screen broadcasts.
Place de l'Hôtel de ville, 75004 Paris
Opening hours
Open all year round, Monday to Friday: 09:00-17:00.
Subway: Line 1, Line 11 Hôtel-de-Ville Station.