Montmartre, A Bohemian Rhapsody Overlooking Paris

Montmartre 75018 Paris, France
There are many coffee shops and stores selling trinkets


Montmartre is a small village located on a hill about 130 meters high outside the northern city of Paris. It is the geographical high point of Paris and was once a gathering place for impoverished artists. It quickly became the center of drinking and entertainment in Paris due to its location outside the city and its production of wine, giving rise to landmarks such as the Moulin Rouge and the Black Cat. Montmartre attracted many impoverished artists such as Van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse, and Renoir. Today, Montmartre has developed into an upscale residential area with numerous hotels and restaurants. It is also a popular tourist destination due to its portrayal in films like "Amélie". There are various tourist attractions, such as the Basilica of the Sacred Heart and the Place du Tertre. The steps in front of the Basilica offer the best vantage point to admire the entire city of Paris, and there are also cafes and restaurants here. The Place du Tertre is crowded with painters, and you can have your portrait painted by your favorite artist. Couples can also seek out the "I Love You" wall that features the phrase in various languages. Other notable attractions include the Pancake Windmill, the Place du Pigalle, the Cunning Rabbit Bar, the Montmartre Museum, the Montmartre Cemetery, and the Passe-Muraille. In addition, Montmartre exudes a strong artistic atmosphere, with street performers and painters visible everywhere. You can experience the nightlife by visiting the Moulin Rouge and other bars. Whether during the day or at night, Montmartre is worth a visit and is a charming scenic area.
Montmartre 75018 Paris, France
Opening hours
24 hours/day
Metro line M2 to Anvers station, line M12 to Abbesses station, and lines M2 and M12 to Pigalle station.