Steinerne Brücke, A Timeless Bridge Over the Danube

Stone Bridge, Regensburg
Stone bridge over the Danube River


This simple and historic stone bridge is located on the Danube River, built in 1135 and completed in 1146. Over the past 900 years, it has become an important transportation hub and a decisive factor in the development of Regensburg in the medieval period. This sturdy, practical, and understated bridge became a model for many later stone bridges. In the middle of the bridge stands a statue called Bruckmandl, symbolizing the historical event of Regensburg's independence from the rule of the bishop. Originally, there were three bridge towers by the bridge, but now only one remains on the south bank, preserving medieval-style lattice windows and a clock face. The Bridge Tower Museum introduces the history of the bridge and offers visitors the opportunity to climb to the top and enjoy the beautiful view of the Danube River. After crossing the bridge, walking along the north bank of the Danube River, the beautiful and elegant old town of Regensburg comes into view. In fact, the north bank of the Danube River after the stone bridge is a small island, with three small islands closely connected in the river. It is peaceful and quiet here, with some nice restaurants and cafes where visitors can enjoy a wonderful time.
Stone Bridge, Regensburg
Opening hours
All day.