Kloster St Michael, Breathtaking Views Over Bamberg's Rooftops

The entire monastery is very splendid


Located on the skyline of Bamberg, the Michel Monastery was built 400 years ago. Under its splendid church roof, 578 lifelike plants are painted, making it unique and astonishing. Nowadays, the monastery has become a retirement home and is also home to the Franconian Beer Museum. The museum used to be a brewery inside the monastery, documenting the entire process of beer production from planting to brewing. Although it takes some effort to climb Michel Mountain, standing in the monastery garden and overlooking the panoramic view of Bamberg's red roofs is incredibly enjoyable. However, due to long-term disrepair, the church is currently closed, and only the exterior can be visited. The lack of funds for repairs means that it is estimated the church will not reopen before 2020.
Opening hours
Go up the Benediktineweg behind the New Palace.