Jennerbahn, Breathtaking Alpine Vistas and Serene Lakes

Jennerbahn, Jennerbahnstraße 18, 83471 Schönau, Germany
The view should be nice at the top of the mountain


The summit of Mount Jenafeld is 1874 meters above sea level and is a famous viewpoint in southern Germany. From the foot of the mountain, you can take a cable car to an elevation of 1800 meters and then hike the final 74 meters. Once you reach the top, you can enjoy the beautiful views of Lake Königssee from the observation deck and also admire the spectacular scenery of the Alps in the distance. The whole journey requires some physical strength, but the breathtaking views at the end will definitely make it worth it.
Jennerbahn, Jennerbahnstraße 18, 83471 Schönau, Germany
Opening hours
Last cable car up the mountain at 16:30.
Walk about 10 minutes from the King's Lake Pier to reach the cable car station.