Neuschwanstein Castle, A Fairytale Castle Amidst Alpine Majesty

Neuschwansteinstrasse 20 87645 Schwangau
The most famous German attractions in the eyes of Chinese people


Neuschwanstein Castle is located in the Alpine region of southern Germany and is one of the country's most famous tourist destinations. It is a masterpiece of King Ludwig II, with its architectural style and stunning landscape resembling a fairytale. The interior of the castle is also exquisite, including the Throne Hall, King's Bedroom, Living Room, Dressing Room, and a large Concert Hall. The castle's history is tragic, but it still attracts countless visitors. Construction of the castle began in 1869, but when King Ludwig II passed away, only the exterior was completed. Three months later, the government transformed it into a museum, and parts of the castle's interior are now open to visitors for a tour of about 30 minutes. The best view of the entire castle can be enjoyed from the Marienbrücke (Mary's Bridge) behind the castle. If you want to stay around the castle, it is recommended to choose to stay in the nearby town of Füssen, which has a medieval history.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going
Not worth it


Inconvenient to park
There is a parking lot
Free parking
Expensive parking fees
Cheap parking fees
Neuschwansteinstrasse 20 87645 Schwangau
Opening hours
Ticket sales time: From March 24th, 2018 to October 15th, 2018: 7:30-17:00. From October 16th, 2018 to March 31st, 2019: 8:30-15:00.
Take Flixbus directly to Neuschwanstein from Munich Central Bus Station. There are no more direct trains available.