Chiemsee, A Bavarian Lake of Royal Legacy and Alpine Beauty

Chiemsee, Germany
The palaces on Gentleman Island are worth a visit


Lake Chiemsee is one of the largest lakes in Bavaria, Germany, located at the foothills of the Alps. The lake is home to three islands: Herreninsel, Fraueninsel, and Krautinsel. These islands have a rich history, with some artifacts dating back to the prehistoric Celtic and Roman eras. Herreninsel is the largest island, covering 2.4 square kilometers, and is popular among tourists for its stunning scenery and grand architecture. The island is home to a row of historic palaces, with the most famous being the palace built by King Ludwig II, modeled after the Palace of Versailles. The palace is magnificent, adorned with lavish decorations, but it remained unfinished as Ludwig II passed away before its completion, having spent only 10 days here. In addition to the palace, the island features fountain gardens and walking trails, making for a leisurely visit of approximately three hours. Fraueninsel is home to a 1,200-year-old church and one of the oldest preserved buildings in the southern region, a gatehouse. The rich history and beautiful landscapes of these islands make Lake Chiemsee a popular tourist destination.

Must-go rating

Worth going


There is a parking lot
Chiemsee, Germany
Opening hours
Open daily except for major holidays such as Christmas and New Year's.
Get off the interval express train (RE) bound for Salzburg at Prien am Chiemsee station at the main railway station, the starting station of the Chiemsee Railway is right next to the platform, take the Chiemsee Railway to the pier and transfer to a boat to get to the island.