Museum of Cham Sculpture, A Treasure Trove of Champa Sculptures

September 2nd, Hai Chau, Da Nang
The evolution of Champa sculpture displayed inside


The Cham Sculpture Museum in Da Nang, which was established in 1915, is a museum worth visiting. The museum is divided into 8 exhibition areas, showcasing sculptures and artifacts from the 7th to the 15th centuries. The collection includes altars, fertility worship, the Champa eagle-headed deity Garuda, and Vishnu, among others. These artifacts are exquisitely crafted, showcasing the famous religious and mythological figures of the Champa culture in a realistic and captivating manner. Visitors can gain a deeper understanding of Champa ancient art and culture, as well as the history and customs of the region through these artifacts.
September 2nd, Hai Chau, Da Nang
Opening hours
Everyday from 7:00am to 5:30pm.
On the left bank of the Han River, about 4 kilometers from the airport and about 6 kilometers from the Da Nang Railway Station, it is relatively easy to find.