Sanya unexpectedly has these niche activities. Come and take a look

Sanya enjoys a spring-like climate all year round, making it an ideal destination for vacations, honeymoons, and relaxation. In addition to popular attractions like Wuzhizhou Island, Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park, Nanshan Temple's Sea Goddess of Mercy, Tianya Haijiao, Yalong Bay Shell Museum, and Songcheng Romance Park, which are often crowded with tourists, there are some lesser-known activities worth exploring to avoid the fatigue of typical tourist spots. Let me recommend a few of them.


Here, you can have a close-up view of a helicopter, take photos, and show off to your friends. You can also enjoy the stunning aerial view of the beautiful scenery of Sanya Yefeng Haitun, making it an unforgettable experience!

Parasailing on the sea

Parasailing is a thrilling watersport where all actions, from takeoff to landing, are done on a speedboat. Before takeoff, our staff will help you put on a parachute and attach it to the tow rope connected to the speedboat. As the speedboat accelerates, your parachute will be lifted by the air resistance, reaching heights of up to 20 meters.

Sailing experience at sea

Tired of playing? Come and try this exciting and fun way of playing, take a sailboat out to sea, guaranteed to show you a different scenery.

Luxury yacht sets sail

If there are not enough people who want to play in the sea, you can choose to go out to sea on a luxury yacht. There are more people in the water than on sailboats, and the boats are also larger. People who like deep-sea diving often choose this option. Including deep-sea diving, fishing, snorkeling, surfing, banana boat rides, kayaking, trampolining, ocean magic carpets, and other activities.

hot air balloon

Hot air balloons are a popular attraction in Turkey. Now, you can experience hot air ballooning in Sanya, without leaving the country. The hot air balloon activity at Dadonghai National Park uses a secure tethering method, where the balloon is anchored to a rope and slowly ascends tens of meters. Each balloon can accommodate 8 passengers, allowing you to enjoy various dinosaur landscapes and paddy field art in the sky with friends and family, while capturing beautiful memories of the panoramic view of the resort and the stunning Haitang Bay.