Lapangan Merdeka, A Monumental Beacon of National Pride

Jl Pasar Ikan 1
Independence Square is located in central Jakarta


Independence Square in central Jakarta is the main venue for celebrating National Day, with wide, clean streets and beautiful scenery adorned with trees and flowers. The square is located to the north of the Presidential Palace, with the Istiqlal Mosque, the largest mosque in Indonesia, to the northeast. The Ministry of Defense Compound and the National Museum are to the west, and the train station is to the east. In the southeast corner of the square, there is a magnificent group of sculptures depicting scenes from the epic Mahabharata. In the park west of the monument, there is a musical fountain and the St. Mary's Cathedral, a Gothic-style building with a history of over a hundred years. The Prince Square is located below the Independence Square and serves as a center for dining, leisure, and entertainment.
Jl Pasar Ikan 1
Opening hours
Tuesday to Sunday from 09:00 to 15:00.
Take the subway to Stasiun Gambir.