Former Embassy of the United States of America, A testament to defiance and history

Tehran Province, Tehran, Taleqani St, Iran
Worth visiting places


The Persepolis, the famous tourist spot in Iran, is now a museum known as "Sefarat-e America" in Persian pronunciation. It was the site of the notorious 1979 American hostage crisis, which shocked the world. The museum showcases the communication equipment and radio transmitters that were left behind by the American diplomats during their evacuation. There is also a remnant of a helicopter engine, which was captured by the Iranian authorities when the US attempted a rescue mission. These items are considered by Iranians as evidence of US espionage activities. The left side of the courtyard is occupied by the Revolutionary Guards, and the walls are adorned with surveillance cameras and anti-US slogans. The walls also feature graffiti portraying the Statue of Liberty as a skull, making it a popular spot for news journalists to capture images. However, it is advisable to take photos from across the street to avoid any potential detainment by the Revolutionary Guards.
Tehran Province, Tehran, Taleqani St, Iran
Opening hours
Monday to Wednesday and Saturday, 9:00-13:00, 14:00-19:00, Thursday 9:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00, closed on Friday and Iranian holidays
November 4th is the anniversary of the occupation of the US embassy, and there will be large-scale anti-US demonstrations in front of the embassy.
Take metro line 1 to Taleqhani station, and it's located on the west side of the station exit.