Jigokutani Yaen Koen, Unique Hot Spring Paradise for Snow Monkeys

Hirata 6845, Yamnouchi-machi, Shimotakai-gun, Nagano Prefecture
Hot springs are exclusively for monkeys


Hell's Valley Wild Monkey Park, featuring Japanese snow monkeys, is known for its adorable monkeys who enjoy bathing in hot springs, just like humans. This park is home to the only hot spring specifically prepared for monkeys, making it a unique attraction. Located across from the historic ryokan (traditional Japanese inn) Hōheikyō, visitors can observe the monkey king, female monkeys, and their offspring enjoying the relaxing hot springs. Nearby, there are other great places for hot springs, such as "Hell's Valley Fountain," designated as a national natural monument of Japan, where visitors can admire natural geysers reaching up to 20 meters high, an unforgettable sight for sure.
Hirata 6845, Yamnouchi-machi, Shimotakai-gun, Nagano Prefecture
Opening hours
Summer: 8:30-17:00, Winter: 9:00-16:00.
Get off at the Yu-Matsumoto station on the Nagano Electric Railway Nagano Line, transfer to the bus (Choden Bus Kamibayashi Line) for about 7 minutes, and get off at the Kamibayashi Onsen station. Then walk for 30 minutes to reach Jigokudani.