Sultanate Palace/Cultral Museum, A Timeless Journey Through Royal Malay Legacy

the Stadthuys Jalan Gereja, Melaka
Now is a cultural museum


The former royal palace of Malacca Dynasty, located at the foot of St. Paul's Church in Malaysia, is a historic and well-preserved building. The palace's outer courtyard boasts beautiful scenery, with lush greenery, colorful flowers, and fountains dotted throughout, making for a delightful sight. The palace itself is divided into three levels and constructed using traditional wooden materials. Though not elaborate, both the furniture and decorations are finely crafted. Each room within the palace has its own unique theme, featuring exhibitions on the origin and history of the Malacca Dynasty, as well as their political and religious beliefs, customs, and international exchanges. Additionally, there are several important historical artifacts on display, allowing visitors to step back in time and experience the rise and fall of the dynasty first-hand.
the Stadthuys Jalan Gereja, Melaka
Opening hours
9:00-17:00, break from 12:15-14:45 on Fridays, last ticket sold at 11:45.
Down the Serra de São Paulo, it can be reached on foot.