Medinat Habu, A timeless monument of vibrant colors and deep carvings

Medinat Habu, Luxor, Egypt
A temple that I really like


Habu City, also known as the Mortuary Temple of Ramses III, was a grand city in the Coptic era. The temple is well-preserved and second in size only to the Temple of Amun, making it the last major construction project of the pharaohs and a precious legacy of Egypt's prosperous period. Habu City was once a royal residence, with its first courtyard used for ceremonies and entertainment, and its second courtyard converted into a church during the Ptolemaic and Roman periods. Additionally, the city features three multi-columned halls, with the tomb of Ramses III located on the left side of the second hall's exterior. The temple's outer walls are adorned with famous panoramic reliefs.
Medinat Habu, Luxor, Egypt
Opening hours
7:00-1:00 the next day
Luxor's Habu City is located on the west bank and it is recommended to book a private car to visit, along with the Valley of the Kings route.