Bi Jiang Golden Tower, A Hidden Gem of Ancient Elegance and Golden Tales

6 Taining West Road, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province


The Bijiang Jinlou Scenic Area is composed of multiple ancient buildings, including Jinlou, Nilou, Zhifangdi Mansion, Back Garden, as well as Yiyu Yishu, Mutang Sugong Shrine, Sanxing Mansion and more outside of the walls. These buildings have various styles and are worth visiting. Jinlou, formerly known as Fuhelu, is the book storage building of the Zhifangdi lineage of the Su family in Bijiang, and is covered in gold foil, hence the name Jinlou. According to legend, the daughter of a prominent late Qing dynasty official, Da Hongci, married into the Su family and there is a story of "concealing beauty in a golden house". The scenic area also includes calligraphy works of famous ancient Chinese scholars, elegant and delicate furniture from the Qing dynasty, exquisite wood carvings, the Bijiang version of the "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" painting, century-old trees, and three wells, all of which are breathtaking sights.
6 Taining West Road, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province
Opening hours
08:30-17:00 (all day)
last entry time: 17:00 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, Monday - Sunday)