Huazu Ancestral Temple, Discover the Origin of Traditional Chinese Medicine

12 Yongan Street, Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City, Anhui Province


Huazu Temple was built to commemorate the outstanding physician Hua Tuo in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Hua Tuo's given name was Yuan Hua, and he also had another name, Fu. The temple was built during the Tang and Song dynasties and consists of three areas: the temple, the former residence, and the ancient medicinal garden, with a total area of 8,600 square meters. There are two male lion sculptures inside and outside the temple, and ancient trees intertwine, giving a majestic and solemn feeling to the temple.
12 Yongan Street, Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City, Anhui Province
Opening hours
08:30-17:30 (all day)
last entry time: 17:00 (Monday-Sunday from January 1st to December 31st)
Transportation routes: 1. Train station: Take bus No.5, No.2 or No.3 to Dayu Shouxia and walk approximately 6 minutes. 2. Bus station: Take bus No.3 to Dayu Shouxia and walk approximately 6 minutes.