Visit Xuchang, don't miss out on this type of fun

Many people visit Xuchang and may take photos at various tourist attractions. However, besides taking photos, there are also many other activities that can help you have a deeper experience in Xuchang. Let me introduce them to you.

Chunqiu Port - take a boat to enjoy the night view of the ancient city

This water bus route has a total length of 5.3 kilometers, circling around the old city of Xuchang in a loop, taking about 50 minutes. There are many types of boats, and everyone can choose according to their needs. Currently, only the Chunqiu Pier is open, serving as both the embarkation and disembarkation point.
When you come to Xuchang, you must experience the Yangling fancy hot spring hotel, which is the highest end and most elegant in Henan. The hotel is blessed with Xuchang's long history and Yangling's abundant natural resources, advocating contemporary art design and combining local natural resources to create a peaceful and natural summer resort for guests. It perfectly defines a minimalist and casual living experience and is a must-visit place for Xuchang's online influencers.

Times Square - Fat Tong Lai

There is a magical retail company in Xuchang called "Pang Donglai". It is not only an example of many management classroom cases, but also attracts entrepreneurs such as Jack Ma and Lei Jun to come to Xuchang for pilgrimage. This is the "Haidilao" of the retail industry. It satisfies the needs of ordinary people from jewelry to medicine, from mobile phones and household appliances to vegetables and fresh produce, from cinemas to bookstores, and from clothing and shoes to dining and snacks. Don't miss the delicious self-selected pot on the fifth floor of Pang Donglai! Maybe you won't feel bored after shopping here for a day, and maybe you will be lucky enough to meet Mr. Yu Donglai, the founder of this company, in the shopping center.