Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea Scenic Area, A Mythical Journey Across the Sea

8 Haibin Road, Penglai City, Yantai, Shandong Province
More enchanting than the scenery


This is a national tourist scenic area rated as AAAAA level, known as the place where the Eight Immortals crossed the sea. Its shape is like a gourd lying on the sea. The scenic area consists of nearly 40 landscapes including Baixian Fang, Baixian Bridge, Wangyin Building, Baixian Temple, Huixian Pavilion, and Baixian Platform, with the theme of the Eight Immortals. It has sea gardens, sea pavilions, and jade and stone carvings are everywhere. It is like a huge treasure trove, a great place for praying and sightseeing tourism. Therefore, it is known as the representative of a fairyland and leisure paradise on earth - Penglai.
8 Haibin Road, Penglai City, Yantai, Shandong Province
Opening hours
07:30-16:30 (all day)
Last entry time: 16:00 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31).
Bus: There is a tourist sightseeing bus for Penglai Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea Scenic Area at the exit of Penglai Long-distance Bus Station.