Tuohu Wetland Scenic Area, Breathtaking Sunsets and Pristine Nature

Tuohu Township, Wuhe County, Bengbu City, Anhui Province


Tuohu Scenic Area belongs to Tuohu Township in Wuhe County. This township is the smallest township in Wuhe County, with only five administrative villages. Among the 4900 acres of cultivated land and 12,000 population, nearly 70% of the people are fishermen who rely on aquaculture and fishing as their main occupation. Although this township is relatively small, it is very beautiful and rich because it has a natural protected area called Tuohu Lake, with an area of 100,000 acres. Tuohu Lake is rich in fish, shrimp, and crabs, and is the largest aquatic product production center in northern Anhui province and one of the top ten famous crab towns in China. In addition, the township also preserves many cultural relics and historic sites, and there are many beautiful legends and scenery along the lake and beach.
Tuohu Township, Wuhe County, Bengbu City, Anhui Province
Opening hours
Open 24 Hours.