Nanjing hiking guide! The proper kind of hiking!

Nanjing actually has many places suitable for mountain climbing, the kind of serious mountain climbing. Today I have carefully organized 5 hiking and mountaineering guides for the old mountains. Let's take a look together.

Mountain hiking trail in Zhongyi Mountain

The forest along the way is dense, like a natural oxygen bar, with beautiful scenery at every step. It is definitely worth a visit. The first part of the trail is uphill and quite steep, posing a greater challenge. It is recommended to bring trekking poles and wear hiking shoes with good traction.

Wujia Wa Hiking Trail

The entrance is located at Wujiawa and the finish line is the Half-Mountain Pavilion at an altitude of 211 meters. The surrounding area here is a picturesque stream valley. However, the climb is difficult, with the entire trail uphill and made of imitation wooden steps.

Chair Mountain Overlooking the River Terrace Trail

The entrance of this trail is located at the Jiangshan Overlook platform on Zhenqi Road, leading to the 303-meter-high summit of Dazuo Mountain. The surrounding area is densely forested with lush green trees. From the mountain top, you can have a distant view of the Yangtze River and overlook the scenery of Jiangpu.

Lihei Road hiking trail

The entrance is located on Lihei Road and passes through Halfway Pavilion and Big Wind Gap, extending to the peaks of Shigong Mountain and Big Chair Mountain.

Xiangshan Lake Greenway

The entrance is located at the Cultural Square of Xiangshan Lake Park, with mountain trails covering the entire Xiangshan in a crisscross pattern, offering pleasant scenery.