Vatican City, A Haven of Artistic and Religious Wonders

Vatican City
A must-visit place in Rome


Vatican City is one of the smallest countries in the world, located on a high ground in the northwest corner of Rome and is the home of the Holy See, the highest governing body of the Catholic Church. Its political system integrates politics and religion, and it is also the residence of the Pope. The country hosts many remarkable buildings such as St. Peter's Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, and numerous works of art created by famous artists including Botticelli, Bernini, Raphael and Michelangelo. The daily life in Vatican City is filled with religious atmosphere, and every Sunday, the faithful gather in St. Peter's Square to listen to the Pope's speech. The Swiss Guard of Vatican City holds an annual oath ceremony on May 6th, seeking God's blessings to fulfill their duty, pledging loyalty to the Pope and sacrificing their lives if necessary. The country's library and museums contain artifacts of historical, scientific and cultural significance.
Vatican City