Grand Ducal Palace, A Regal Experience with Guarded Traditions

Market Street, 1449 Luxembourg
The changing of the guards at the door is very interesting


The Luxembourg Grand Ducal Palace is a historic and beautifully decorated building located north of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in the old town. It was first built in 1244 and was destroyed by a fire in 1554, but was later restored and has been used as the Grand Ducal Palace since 1890. From mid-July to the end of August each year, the palace is open to visitors by appointment and with a guide. In front of the palace are five bronze columns with human faces, each topped with a lively gold head. Due to the protruding facial features and black paint, no matter from which angle you look, these gold heads seem to be staring at you. It is a visual art effect that makes people feel like they are being watched, very interesting.
Market Street, 1449 Luxembourg
Opening hours
From mid-July to the end of August, from 10:00 to 18:00 every day.

Go straight through the street and the end is Place Guillaume II.