Outdoor adventure experiences in Nepal that make adrenaline soar instantly

Nepal is globally recognized as an adventure destination, whether you want to conquer your fears or just experience that adrenaline rush before doing something crazy, Nepal is the perfect playground. It is a haven for adrenaline junkies and thrill-seekers. There is a wide variety of things to try, filled with mind-boggling heights and racing heartbeats.

Zhufeng area | across the suspension bridge

For those who fear heights, crossing the high-altitude suspension bridges in Nepal would definitely make your blood race and heart race. The longest suspension bridge in Nepal is located in the town of Kusma, a few hours away from Pokhara. The bridge is 344 meters long and 135 meters high. While that bridge is visually the most dramatic, the suspension bridges at the foot of the Himalayas are even more terrifying.

Bocala tightrope flight

While you can zipline all over the world, Nepal is famous for having the steepest, longest, and fastest zipline in the world. High Ground Adventures offers a zipline that is 1,800 meters long, with a vertical drop of over 600 meters and a top speed of 120 kilometers per hour. The best part of ziplining is the takeoff. Sitting in your harness, you cross through a gate as someone counts down from five, and when the gate opens, you fly down a steep hillside, with no sight of the ground you're heading towards. On clear days, the views of the Annapurna peaks are almost as breathtaking as the wind blowing in your face.

Take a small plane to lukara Airport

The entire process of flying to Lukla is enough to cause palpitations. The weather must be clear, and there is no guarantee that the flight will depart on time. These small planes can only accommodate 12 to 16 passengers, and you are actually very close to the cockpit, feeling like you could reach out and shake hands with the pilot (although you can't, as you might already be soothing your pounding heart amidst the deafening noise and vibrations), and the propellers are so close to the windows that it feels like they could hit your face. But the scenery outside is truly beautiful!

Hiking in the Himalayas

Although most hiking trips won't stimulate your adrenaline, there are certainly moments while trekking in Nepal that will. For novice hikers, the narrow paths, segments of the trail with mountainside on one side and a cliff on the other, and encountering a herd of yaks on such a path can certainly make your heart race.