The tranquility of the extreme north - the beach

Iceland's beaches are unique and different from the typical beaches we know. These beaches are usually made up of black basalt rocks instead of fine white sand. The colors and textures of Iceland's beaches are extremely diverse, ranging from black to gray, and even to green, red, and orange sands. One of the most famous Icelandic beaches is the black sand beach in the Vik area, renowned as one of the "most beautiful beaches in the world." Additionally, Black Beach, Diamond Beach, and Red Beach are also very popular tourist attractions. However, it is important to note that Iceland's waters are extremely dangerous, with huge waves and very low water temperatures. Swimming and water activities require extra caution. When enjoying the beaches in Iceland, it is crucial to prioritize safety and respect the local natural environment.

Reynisfjara black sand beach


Nautholsvik Artificial Geothermal Beach

Nauthólsvík artificial geothermal beach in Reykjavik, Iceland

Diamond Ice Beach

Diamond Beach is located on the south coast of Iceland, opposite the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon. It is a globally famous beach and tourist destination. The beach is covered with black sand and ice blocks washed up by the sea, shimmering with a crystal clear light, and is known as 'one of the most beautiful beaches in the world'. Due to its proximity to the glacier lagoon, visitors often arrange to visit Diamond Beach and Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon together. The beautiful scenery of Diamond Beach attracts countless tourists to come and take photos. It is also one of the most romantic attractions in Iceland, favored by couples and photography enthusiasts. Overall, Diamond Beach is one of the most magnificent attractions in southern Iceland. Walking on this dreamy beach, you will feel an indescribable beauty and awe. If you are planning to travel to Iceland, Diamond Beach is definitely a must-see attraction.