An adventure journey dancing with whales

Portugal is a country with beautiful coastlines and stunning natural landscapes. The close interaction between dolphins, whales, and humans has always been one of the most amazing wonders of nature. Along the southern coastline of Portugal, we can take a boat to experience this incredible interaction and adventure, swimming and interacting with them. Experience the wonderful feeling of dancing with whales/dolphins.

Calheta, Madeira - H2oMadeira

The waters surrounding Madeira Island are habitats for many marine creatures, but finding the best viewing spots is not easy. Taking part in the local crew's adventure trips can offer the opportunity to observe cetaceans up close and have an unforgettable experience. Additionally, guides can explain the mysteries of the underwater world, providing a deeper understanding. We can also admire the charming coastal scenery along the North Atlantic route.

Azores Islands - OceanEmotion

The Azores Islands in Portugal are known as Europe's best ocean mammal watching tour, where visitors can have the chance to observe whales and dolphins up close year-round. During the adventure, one can also admire the stunning views of the peaceful ocean while listening to the guide's professional knowledge about marine animals and other marine life. If no ocean wildlife is spotted during the trip, there is no need to worry because free follow-up tours are offered to make the exploration journey even more perfect.

Vila Franca do Campo - Picos de Aventura

Located in the Azores, Portugal, Vila Franca do Campo is also an excellent spot for watching whales and dolphins. Boats departing from here offer various adventure trips to venture through the rough Atlantic and get up close to various marine mammals. If lucky, one can observe dolphins leaping above the water surface and massive whales. On this journey, listen to experienced guides share their knowledge about cetaceans and other aquatic creatures, while enjoying the beauty of the tranquil ocean.