Must-visit Instagrammable spots in Morocco

When it comes to traveling to Africa, many friends might lack interest and think that Africa only has dry yellow deserts. However, in the yellow desert, there is a colorful country - Morocco!

Hassan II Mosque is the third largest mosque in the world, second only to the mosques in Mecca and Medina, and is also the most modern mosque in the world. The marble floor in the main hall is heated all year round, and the roof can automatically open for ventilation in the summer. There is an elevator inside the mosque that goes directly to the top of the minaret, making it luxurious. One-third of the temple is built on the sea, supposedly to commemorate the Arab ancestors who came to Morocco by sea.

Shevshawan Old Town

The old town of Chefchaouen is a colorful blue fairy tale world. What may seem like ordinary walls to a local can be a stunning material for photography.

Malorelle Garden

Jardin Majorelle is a 12-hectare botanical garden and an artistic sanctuary for Marrakech artists in Morocco. The garden is lush with flowers and plants, with flowing water and dozens of different types of cacti. What is even more special is that the paths, flowerpots, pavilions, and houses are painted in vibrant and eye-catching colors, creating a fairy tale-like atmosphere.

Blue Gate in Bruges

The Blue Gate in Fes is the official entrance to the medina. It is called the Blue Gate because the outer side of the gate is covered with blue mosaic tiles. The area around the Blue Gate is a vibrant night market and restaurant hub, offering a variety of street food and handmade crafts for sale. It is worth a visit.

Sahara Desert

Arriving in the Sahara, riding on a desert boat traversing the sand dunes, climbing high to observe the sunset and sunrise, it is truly a rare experience. The shadows of the desert camels, desolate yet mysterious, it seems that running away to here, one has already left the modern society far behind.