Classic architecture in Spain that you cannot miss

Spain is a passionate and exuberant country, with beautiful beaches everywhere. Flamenco dancers twist their bodies, bullfighters raise their arms and shout in excitement. The landscape is ever-changing, but their pride remains unchanged. The architecture is like solidified music. If you visit Spain, you must go and admire the classic buildings here and experience the unique charm of Spain.

Basilica of the Holy Family

The astonishing Sagrada Familia Cathedral, designed by the master Antoni Gaudi, is a famous attraction and landmark in Spain. At sunset, the intoxicating light shining through the painted glass is breathtaking, and it is beautiful from any angle.

Royal Palace of Madrid

The Royal Palace of Madrid is one of the best preserved palaces in the world and a perfect example of Mudéjar architecture. Visitors can indulge in luxury with exquisite porcelain, long corridors, lifelike sculptures, rare paintings and more.

Seville Cathedral

The Seville Cathedral is a famous building in Seville and one of the "three great cathedrals" in the world. Murillo's "The Worship of Saint Anthony" is not to be missed. The Holy Chamber contains the precious masterpiece "Saint Joaquin and Saint Anne by Goya".

Alhambra Palace

The Alhambra Palace, known as the "City of Palaces", is a military stronghold of Islam in Spain and the residence of past kings. It features palaces, courtyards, and gardens with a strong Moorish cultural influence. The combination of light, water, color, exquisite carvings, and natural style creates a perfect harmony that is worth exploring.

Sun Gate Square

Sun Gate Square is the central square of Madrid, surrounded by buildings that are considered to be the essence of Madrid's urban architecture. The zero point sign here marks the starting point for calculating the mileage of all national roads in Spain.

Valencia Cathedral and Tower

The Valencia Cathedral is said to be the first temple since Roman times and is rumored to house the Holy Grail of Christianity. It is a fusion of new and old artistic cultures, attracting many architecture enthusiasts to come and explore.

"Toledo Alcazar Castle"

The Alcazar Castle of Toledo is located at the highest point of Toledo and is the most prominent building in the ancient city. It is said that the castle in "Snow White" was designed based on this castle, and when descending the spiral staircase in the tower, one feels like a noble and elegant princess.

Longda New Bridge

One end of the Longda New Bridge connects to the old city of Longda, standing on a steep cliff, giving people a sense of breathtaking grandeur. It is one of the most photographed buildings in Spain and frequently appears in many documentaries. Be sure to take a photo as a souvenir.