Winter is coming, unlocking the hot springs near Xi'an

If you want to make a list of the best things to do in winter, then soaking in a hot spring is definitely a must! Xi'an and its surrounding areas are rich in hot spring resources, and there are also many famous hot spring destinations in the country. It has always been a great place to soak in hot springs. Isn't it a good choice to come for a "bath" a few times in winter?

Mount Taibai Fenghuang Hot Springs

The Phoenix Hot Springs Hotel, based on the Taibai Mountains, creates a unique hot springs experience with a close connection to nature in a beautiful ecological environment, with a forest coverage rate of 99%. The entire design is close to nature, adding romance to the hot springs in the dense forest. The pools, trails, pavilions, and water features blend seamlessly with the surrounding scenery, allowing you to enjoy the pleasure of natural mountain hot springs. The unique courtyard hotel room design here is simple, warm, and charming. Drive away from the hustle and bustle of the city with your loved ones or children on weekends and enjoy the peace and comfort of the forest wilderness at night.

Qinlong Hot Springs

Hot springs contain various beneficial minerals and trace elements for the human body, promoting blood circulation, improving the immune system, relieving fatigue, promoting health, and beauty. They are especially effective for arthritis, skin diseases, hemorrhoids, and obesity. There are various ways to bathe, such as lying in the water and letting the warm water gently touch your body, swimming in the spring pool, receiving massages from water jets, experiencing the impact of a hot water waterfall, sitting by a hot water pool and feeling the warmth of the steam, and enjoying the tranquility of the surrounding mountains and water.

Wei River Soup Garden Hot Springs

Combine traditional Chinese hot spring bathing culture with the modern concept of "people-oriented", Wei Shui Tangyuan is built as a comprehensive hot spring resort integrating accommodation, dining, bathing, entertainment, rest, health care, therapy, and SPA. Here, I would like to highlight the small courtyards, each with three or two private and independent rooms, surrounded by tropical plants, giving a sense of being in an ancient rainforest. The unique hot spring water not only washes away physical and mental fatigue but also revitalizes the skin with the professional touch of a masseur. You can immerse yourself in a private hot spring and experience a sense of tranquility, while encountering the best version of yourself in leisurely time. The hot springs here are all open-air, with each pond having its own characteristics. Mint soup, aloe soup, danggui soup, just hearing the names makes you want to drink, right? The biggest feature of this place is that some pools can provide both chess and mahjong at the same time, offering multiple pleasures to enjoy.

Spring water bay in Tangyu Hot Springs

The Tangyu Hot Springs in Lantian, 38 kilometers south of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an, have been famous for their hot springs since the Tang Dynasty. With a long history dating back to the Han Dynasty and flourishing during the Tang Dynasty, the hot springs have been used by royalty for bathing. The water here has a mild temperature, reaching up to 65 degrees Celsius, and is known as "peach blossom water," "fortunate water," and "divine water." It is regarded as a famous hot spring worldwide. The fountain with a depth of over 600 meters gushes out, containing various minerals necessary for the human body, contributing to health. Soaking in the hot springs can relieve fatigue, ward off cold, relax the mind, and invigorate the body. The South Mountain Hot Spring Courtyard, backed by Mount Zhongnan and facing the Tangyu River, provides shelter from the wind and transforms the spring water into a divine source. The surrounding mountains create a Feng Shui landscape that has remained unchanged for centuries.
The hot spring is colorless and tasteless, with a fluoride and silica content that meets the medical value concentration standards. Tantang Hot Spring is located near the northern foothills of the Qinling Mountains, under the Zhongnan Mountains, surrounded by mountains and water, with a unique environment and fresh air. It is also the highest point of the hot spring, truly beautiful! The hot spring pools in this area are supported by natural mountain slopes and have 18 different sizes of healthy pools. The spring water is mild and has a high water temperature of up to 65°C, earning the reputation of "peach blossom water" and "divine water"!