Guide to Spring Flower Sightseeing around Xi'an Xianyang

In the bright March, people can enjoy various flowers. The red plum blossoms first in early March, followed by apricot blossoms. Peach blossoms, pear blossoms, and rapeseed blossoms bloom one after another at the end of March, creating a vibrant scene in the outskirts.

Yandian Village, Xiexia Town, Liquan County

Mountain Village, located at the foot of Jiuzha Mountain. The highest peak of Jiuzha Mountain is the highest point of Guanzhong Plain, where Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, rests in eternal sleep. After enjoying the apricot blossoms, you can also visit Zhao Mausoleum and Zhao Mausoleum Museum.

Zhengguo Canal First Relic Site - Taohua

In the Zhengguo Canal Scenic Area, there are peach blossoms everywhere. During the blooming season, travel agencies will organize tours to admire the wild peach blossoms. Actually, there are also many peach blossoms near the scenic area where visitors can take close-up photos and appreciate them.

Yucun, Shide Town, Liquan County - Peach Blossoms

Stezhen is known as the "Number one town of fresh peaches in China", with 20,000 acres of peach orchards and an annual production of 50,000 tons of various fresh peaches. Every spring, the town holds a Peach Blossom Festival, with thousands of acres of peach blossoms in full bloom.

Shide Town - pear blossoms

Apart from being able to see peach blossoms, there are also many pear blossoms blooming in the fields, creating a beautiful scenery.

Wugong Town - Rapeseed flowers

Look, rapeseed flowers also want to go to Hanzhong? In fact, there is also a sea of rapeseed flowers in Wugong Town, which is more than 90 kilometers away from downtown Xi'an. In Wugong Town, northwest of Xianyang City, Shanxi Province, descendants of Emperor Yan took the surname Jiang. Hou Ji, the ancestor of Chinese agriculture, was born here over 4,000 years ago, making it one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation.