The ultimate guide to the best experiences in Wuhan without spending a dime: 12 authentic experiences

What are the fun places to visit in Wuhan? Follow the locals and explore with them until your feet are sore, and we will bring you the latest edition of the Wuhan city guide. Rejecting the conventional, avoiding all the clichés, we have carefully selected 12 authentic experiences in Wuhan that you cannot miss.

The speed and passion of the most thrilling bus

Want to add some excitement to your life? You don't necessarily have to go to Happy Valley. The bus drivers in Wuhan, also known as retired F1 racing champions, have unparalleled drifting skills. Anyone who has taken a bus in Wuhan will never forget it. When you have no destination in mind, hop on the most beautiful bus route 402 that passes through major attractions in Wuhan. Get off at any random stop, and you might stumble upon unexpected new discoveries.

The Most Vintage Stroll in Hankou Old Concession

The area around Jianghan Road was once the most prosperous concession area known as the "Eastern Chicago," leaving behind hundreds of Gothic-style buildings, especially fashionable. Walking along the streets, it feels like traveling back to a bustling era a century ago. Especially on Li Huangpi Road, with red-brick houses and cobblestone streets, it feels like being in the streets of Moscow. The stories behind these old houses are endless and cannot be told in just three days and three nights.

Unique and magical architecture - Gude Temple

Good Temple, hidden in the city, with unique architectural style, is one of the two remaining Alanto-style Han Buddhist temples in the world. It looks like a Buddhist temple, but also like a Gothic church; it has both Southeast Asian four-faced Buddha and horseshoe-shaped corridors, and also carries obvious ancient Greek temple colors. It is a unique "mix and match" style.

The most leisurely place to see reed blossoms at Hankou riverside

The riverbank is a gift from the Yangtze River to Wuhan. Take a walk, feel the temperamental Wuhan, and enjoy the rare gentleness. In autumn, the reeds that stretch for kilometers are in full bloom, swaying in the wind, complemented by the blue sky and clear waves, making the riverbank particularly romantic.

Most enjoyable: Wansongyuan for late-night snacks

Wuhan people must eat two meals a day, breakfast in the morning and late night snacks in the evening. Wuhan people's favorite late-night snack place is Wansongyuan, where the small crayfish consumed here each year could circle Wuhan three times. BBQ, braised food, and various delicacies are also available. Don't miss the famous crab foot hot dry noodles, spicy and delicious, it's irresistible. Once you leave Wuhan, you can never taste this flavor again. The bustling crowd, the crisp sound of beer bottles clinking, here hides the rivers and lakes of Wuhan, and also the lively atmosphere of the market.

The most magnificent view: Overlooking Wuhan from Times Square

Admiring city scenery, height matters most. Standing on the top floor of Times Square, the urban skyline is fully visible. The river reflects the neon lights on both banks, and countless lights extend before your eyes. At this moment, who would you like to share this view with?

Zhang Zhidong and the Wuhan Museum

Wuhan cannot be understood without mentioning Zhang Zhidong. This new museum is full of sincerity, with informative texts and interactive devices in every area, making it highly entertaining. It is also one of the most beautiful museums in China, designed by renowned American designer "Museum King" Daniel Libeskind, using extensive black, minimalism, and grandeur. The use of light and shadow is particularly exquisite, portraying the life of Zhang Zhidong, a "solitary reformer."

Zuiqing Gu Tianqiao

Wuhan is known as the "City of Bridges" and it is a must-do to visit a bridge. If you are tired of the common Yangtze River Bridge, why not try something new? The Gutan Bridge, with its light blue color, is very fresh and trendy. Although it is far from the city center, many people come specifically to take pictures because of its high aesthetic value.
As a generation deeply influenced by time-travel dramas, I really enjoy visiting museums. The swords of King Goujian and the Zeng Houyi bells have gained a lot of attention in the TV show "National Treasure," but seeing them in person is a hundred times more thrilling. Attending a concert of the bells' music is an experience not to be missed - the sound of ancient China echoes through the millennia, and the enchanting melody lingers. Hearing foreigners at the concert constantly exclaiming "amazing" makes me proud to be Chinese.

Most romantic: Watching the sea at Lingbo Gate

Donghu Lake is the largest urban lake in China, six times larger than West Lake in Hangzhou. Jumping into Donghu Lake at the end of summer is the most anticipated festival in Wuhan, where the entire city's hormones explode. Riding a bicycle along the Liyuan Greenway is a way to experience Donghu Lake up close and feel the nostalgia of first love at the age of 18. Wuhan University is also located on the shores of Donghu Lake. In addition to cherry blossoms, the campus features the architecture of the Republic of China era and the minimalist-ins style Wanlin Art Museum, all worth a visit.

The most classic scene - Watching the Yellow Crane Tower from the Victorious Bridge

Before coming to Wuhan, I humbly consulted my friends from Wuhan, and they all expressionlessly and unanimously said: "Don't miss the Yellow Crane Tower. You should go to the Shengqiao to have a panoramic view of the scenery. Standing quietly in the midst of the city, hidden deep in the residential area, the Yellow Crane Tower is a marvel, blending the past and present in infinite wonder."