Perge, Un viaggio senza tempo attraverso l'antica grandezza
Perge, Strada Mersin Antalya, Aksu, Antalya, Regione Mediterranea, 07112, Turchia
Located near Antalya, the Perge archaeological site, which is 18 kilometers away, was built in 1500 BC and was once a settlement for the Hittites. As you enter the site, you will see ancient markets, large baths, and a stadium. The most striking feature is the intact Aspendos ancient theater, whose echo effect is still amazing today. The stage of the theater is made of elaborately carved marble, and many exquisite carvings from all over the city are still preserved on the sports field. In addition, you can see other ruins such as beautifully designed city gates, long colonnaded roads, public baths, and a gymnasium. Visiting the Perge archaeological site, you will have the opportunity to experience the imprint of ancient history and feel the unique charm of this ancient city. Valutazione dei luoghi da non perdere
Indirizzo Perge, Strada Mersin Antalya, Aksu, Antalya, Regione Mediterranea, 07112, Turchia
Orari di apertura 09:00-17:00
Trasporto È meglio noleggiare un'auto per arrivarci.