Posso fermarmi lungo il lato sinistro della strada in qualsiasi momento per riposare durante il viaggio in auto nella South Island? O posso fermarmi per un po' e fare una foto ?

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Utente QEEQ

Controlla le regole del traffico, sembra che non si possa fermare se c'è una doppia linea gialla, altrimenti si puà fermare temporaneamente. Non mi ricordo bene.

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Utente QEEQ

In New Zealand, you cannot stop and take pictures at any location at any time, especially on suburban freeways. The New Zealand government has taken into full consideration the photo-taking needs of self-driving tourists and has set up corresponding temporary stopping points along the highways passing through scenic spots, with signs indicating the distance to the temporary parking points ahead. Tips: Pay attention to the green trees + benches road sign. Otherwise, you are not allowed to stop and take pictures. For particularly famous scenic spots, there will be road signs indicating the way, and the best photo-taking location will be marked, so you don't have to worry about missing the opportunity to see beautiful scenery. The interior of the South Island is mostly mountain roads, and there are beautiful scenery along the way. There will be more plainclothes police cars patrolling towards Queenstown. Please drive carefully and do not stop and take pictures at will.