Centre financier devenant une fête de rue le week-end
São Paulo,Le BrésilUn phare imposant du commerce et du voyage
Nagoya,JaponUne oasis moderne de luxe et d'économie
Manille,Philippines (Les Philippines)Futuristic Design Meets Cultural Heritage
Séoul,CoréeA spiritual marvel by the Atlantic
Casablanca,MarocGratte-ciel Torsadé aux Lumières Nocturnes Éblouissantes
GUANGZHOU,La ChineBreathtaking Panoramic City Views
Frankfurt,L'AllemagneUn centre moderne de commerce et de divertissement
Berlin (Note: It's already in French, Berlin is the same in both languages),L'AllemagneVivez l'excitation palpitante du football
Munich,L'AllemagneA Symbol of History and Modernity
Berlin (Note: It's already in French, Berlin is the same in both languages),L'Allemagne1